Edgar D. Mitchell (edmitchellapollo14.com) |
“The first thing that came to mind as I looked at Earth was its incredible beauty. […] It was a majestic sight—a splendid blue and white jewel suspended against a velvet black sky. […]
Next I thought of our planet’s life-supporting character. That little globe of water, clouds and land no bigger than my thumb was home, the haven our spacecraft would seek at the end of our voyage […] Then my thoughts turned to daily life on the planet. With that, my sense of wonderment gradually turned into something close to anguish. Because I realized that at that very moment […] people of Earth were fighting wars, committing murder and other crimes; lying, cheating and struggling for power and status; abusing the environment by polluting the water and air, wasting natural resources, and ravaging the land, acting out of lust and greed; and hurting others through intolerance, bigotry, prejudice and all the things that add up to man’s inhumanity to man. It seemed as though man were totally unconscious of his individual role in—and individual responsibility for—the future of life on the planet.”
These are the words of Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, moonwalker and visionary. He wrote the above quote in his book Psychic Exploration, published in 1974 just a few years after his visit to the moon. After years of being out of print, this book is now available again and is a testimony to Mitchell’s vision that the world can be a better place and.....